Tuesday 28 January 2014

Audience task.

    In this clip of Sun Sex and Suspicious Parents the lads that are on holiday are drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and they're all laughing and joking around having a good time. The whole point of the programme is that parents spy on their children when they go on a 'lads/girls holiday' without the children knowing anything.
    This is very entertaining for its audience which tends to be 16-28 year olds as it's something they would do during that time in their life. It gives the watchers to either look forward to a holiday such as this or a chance to kind of relive what they have already experienced. Its escaping from their everyday lives for audience.
    Personal identity as in behaviour, because of the way they're acting the audience would like to relate to this as there having lots of fun and dancing around.
    Information on how these holidays are like and people might watch this because one day they plan to go on a holiday like this and might be interested on what activities on what happen on this kind of holiday.
    Social integration as loads of teenagers seek to go on a holiday like this and can gain insight and look forward to it. It is a very popular programme and might be watched by a group of mates and so people might watch it to join in on conversation and so on.

Exam Response.

In my exam I done very poorly, probably the lack of revision and concentration effected my grade drastically. For my next exam I will be sure to focus and put 110% effort into my work to get the best possible grade. Also I only answered one of my questions which was very stupid to do.

Audience Question:

To improve on this question I need to;

- Learn theories and apply them well into my work.
- Learn the correct media language and apply it to my work.

Representation Question:

To improve on this question I need to;

- Come up with very specific case studies and stop being generic.
- Integrate language and theories.

Revision and study:

This needs to be greatly improved and applied to my work, as at the minute I do merely no revision or studying. I am working on this and it WILL be improved. Regular studying and revision will be taken part throughout my work. 2.5 hours  a week in minimal amount.


I need to focus more on my work and less on other things. My coursework I believe is at an above average standard but I could of applied myself way more and got a good grade I believe. I need to apply myself and also more analysis could of been worked upon and so I could of produced better more professional, quality work.